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Candlewick Kennels

Dog and Cat Grooming

Whether you’re looking for a traditional style or have a personal preference, our professional groomers have the necessary experience and familiarity with anything from popular to the most unique of breeds. Driven and devoted to a lifetime career as grooming specialists, Candlewick’s groomers describes their work as exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. Your groomer is always available for a consultation the day of your appointment and you may request your favorite groomer for all future appointments. Talk to our groomers individually to get a price for your grooming visit. Prices depend on the size and breed of your dog, as well as the condition of their coat.

Scheduling an Appointment

We have grooming appointments available Monday - Saturday. You can call us at 860-633-6878 to make an appointment. To ensure you secure the best date for your desired appointment, we recommend calling at least 2 weeks in advance. Please arrive ten minutes prior to your appointment time. Pets will typically be groomed within 3 to 4 hours. You can pick up your pet anytime between your scheduled pick-up time and our closing time of 7:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 6:00 pm on Saturdays. While your pet is in our care, we provide fresh water and time to stretch or relieve themselves in our courtyard, ensuring they feel comfortable during their visit.

Spa Treatments

Full Groom

A full groom session means your pet receives the works. Full grooms includes shampoo, conditioning crème rinse, Furminator, nail trimming, ear cleaning, brush out, scissoring and style.

Bath, Brush & Tidy

Is it too soon for a full haircut? Does your pet need to have these fuzzies or fly-aways tamed? We suggest you schedule a bath, brush and tidy. This service includes a shampoo, conditioning, nail clipping, ear cleaning, Furminator, brush out and some light trim work.

Bath and Brush

When your pet is between full grooming sessions, a bath and brush appointment is the perfect way to keep your pet’s coat free of mattes and fresh smelling. This is also a great option for pets with short coats that do not need a haircut. We use special brushes and combs that help release shedding hair. We also include a shampoo, conditioning crème rinse, Furminator, brush work, nail clipping and ear cleaning.

Basic Bath

Bathing includes a shampoo, conditioning, nail clipping and ear cleaning.

Coat and Skin Treatments

The maintenance needed for our own human hair is very similar to what is required to keep our dogs coat healthy and attractive. As we use special hair treatments, shampoos and deep conditioners, there are similar products for dogs.

Shed-less Bath

When used on a regular basis this shampoo helps reduce shedding.

Medicated Bath

A gentle formula shampoo that is used to aid in healing skin aliments and disorders. More specifically, medicated baths will provide temporary relief of itching and flaking of seborrheic dermatitis.

Oatmeal Bath

An all-natural anti-itch shampoo used to soothe those pets who suffer from seasonal dry skin or mild allergies.

Flea & Tick

This treatment will rid your dog of any nuisance lice, fleas, or ticks. Also, this shampoo conditions, deodorize and leaves the coat with a radiant sheen.


This hypoallergenic, non-irritating formula is best used for those pets with allergies or those that are sensitive to grooming products. Hypo baths leave the coat lustrous, soft and tangle free.


The fuzzy creature waddling through your backyard with the unmistakable white stripe serves as a giant warning sign for any pet owner. Your pet may, however, feel unbelievably fortunate to have found a new playmate (at least at first). Our skunk bath treatment is the best way to get rid of the overwhelming odor from an unpleasant encounter.

White Coat Enhancing

This shampoo really brings out the color and shine of a white coat.  

Dark Coat Enhancing

This dark coat enhancing shampoo adds brilliance and sparkling accents to charcoal, black, blue and other dark colored coats.

Additional Services

Nail Grinding

Nail grinding is a method that polishes off nail clipping leaving nails as short as possible, smooth, and rounded.

Tooth Brushing

This service is a tooth brushing, not to be confused with a tooth cleaning performed by a veterinarian. For tooth brushing, our groomers use a tooth brush specifically designed for dogs and a dental gel that safely and effectively helps fight gum disease, prevents plaque build-up, and controls bad breath.

Anal Gland Expression

Usually during defecation, anal glands are naturally emptied. However, this is not always the case. Clogged or enlarged anal glands can be uncomfortable to your pet and need to be professionally expressed. Excessive licking, biting, or scooting along the carpet are all signs your pet requires an anal gland expression. If your dog is in constant need of anal gland expression, or has a bad odor, it is advised to visit your veterinarian.

Walk-In Nail Trimming

This service is offered Monday through Saturday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Walk-in nail trims do not require a scheduled appointment.


  • All dogs that come in for grooming are required to have Distemper (DHLPP), Rabies, Bordetella and Influenza (H3N2 & H3N8)

  • All dogs must have a current town license on file and be renewed yearly

  • Rabies certificates must be on file

  • Guests housed together need a permission note on file

  • Medications must be presented in their original prescription bottle

All cats are required to have Distemper and Rabies

Candlewick Kennels Pet Points Rewards

Loyalty Deserves To Be Rewarded. Loyal pets—and loyal pet parents—are entitled to all the appreciation in the world. And we’re delighted to reward your repeated visits to us with a program that recognizes your support. Every dollar you spend earns a reward point. And every 250 points you collect earns a $5 credit on your next stay. Entry into the rewards program is automatic. 

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